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Colin & Basia 2011

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Planing our retirment

Blog:  colin2011
Data dodania: 2013-01-29
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I am an English man married to a Polish lady, and we have decided to retire to Poland to be near her family. But first I must apologize to my Polish Friends that this blog is in English as my Polish is rubbish.

 After several trips to Poland I have developed a deep respect for the quality of the Polish building trade as a whole, I am sure that there are some very poor ones (we had one see the later story) but the last builder was a star.

We have also been very lucky in that my step daughter is fluent in English which helps me a lot, and has become the master of the best deal, getting the price down has become an obsession and we are both very lucky for without her and her husband we would of not been able to start. She has become the unofficial Project Manager.

Data dodania: 2013-01-29 20:31:35
Welcome to blog! You're building a beautiful house. I wish you good luck and quick move in.
Data dodania: 2013-01-30 20:38:15
Dziękuję bardzo Thank you for your kind comments
Odpowiedź do kometa2g
Data dodania: 2013-01-29 20:31:50
...wish you luck!
Data dodania: 2013-01-30 20:38:35
Dziękuję bardzo
Odpowiedź do ciupan
Data dodania: 2013-01-30 01:47:21
Good luck :) wish you to make a dream come true :)
Data dodania: 2013-01-30 22:56:37
By the way don't be sorry to keep your blog in english. I'm sure that many of us will follow it attentively!
Data dodania: 2013-02-19 14:47:13
So you decided to spend your live in Poland,isn't it?? Exelent choice!!Hope you will enjoy our polish winter and summer:)Welcome enyway and I wish both of you good luck!!Powodzenia!!
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