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Colin & Basia 2011

wpisy na blogu

My first European Plug

Blog:  colin2011
Data dodania: 2013-06-16
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blog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plMy first ever Euro plug and the cakes

in Poland are the best. Yum

Data dodania: 2013-06-17 21:48:07
Now with euro plug and polish cakes work must go full steam ahead!:):)Good luck and waiting for further fotos.


Blog:  colin2011
Data dodania: 2013-06-16
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blog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plI changed design half way through but I did change the crossbars to match later!

A fresh look

Blog:  colin2011
Data dodania: 2013-06-16
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We have just had two weeks in Poland looking at the best way forwards on our build. I was going to concentrate on building a wall around the house but we have decided to get the windows and make a start on the Electrics. We had several quote and have done a lot of research into which windows and we have settled on the OknoPlus  range of PlusTopThermo windows and doors.

I at least managed to build three doors to make the site a bit more secure, plus give the weeds a bit of a trim.

Gardenening Time

Blog:  colin2011
Data dodania: 2013-05-26
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Hello all my Polish blogger friends.

Well back to Poland on Friday to get some more done on the house, this time we are looking at getting a proper wall around the site and making some decisions on windows. The site will be cleared of building leftovers and the soil pile levelled off, we can then start a plan for the garden. I like the idea of raised beds for when we get older and using fruit trees as ornimental plants.  We are thinking that the triple glassed Oknoplast units will do the trick for the windows and fitted shutters while we are at it. I can’t wait to get started again it’s been too long, plus the weather looks great as well which will help.

ranga - mojabudowa.pl stały bywalec
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