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Colin & Basia 2011

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Blog:  colin2011
Data dodania: 2013-01-30
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Thank you for the lovely and positive comments. I wasnt sure if I should do an  English blog but I shall carry on. It is frustrating being in England and being a keen part time builder not being able to do some of the work.

Data dodania: 2013-01-30 21:13:17
Not bad you go
Data dodania: 2013-01-30 21:50:39
It will all be fine, once the weather gets a bit settled. You were unlucky that your plot was so wet! Once you get going, put in some irrigation trenches for your future garden while you have the diggers there. I had to do the same much later as my garden was a duck pond! The house style is lovely and practical. I wanted a bungalow as well but ended up building up. Not a great idea as I'm retired too. Hope things go well for you...keep in touch!
Data dodania: 2013-02-01 21:09:33
The builder has suggested the ditchs and as we have an iregation ditch next to the plot!
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The happy couple

Blog:  colin2011
Data dodania: 2013-01-30
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blog budowlany - mojabudowa.pl

Data dodania: 2013-01-30 22:41:43
It's you and your wife? Nice to meet you... :) Welcome in Poland :)
Data dodania: 2013-01-30 23:01:29
It`s nice to meet You and Your Wife. Wish U both all the best and lots of patience and persistence. You are not the only one who is out of the country and trying to build a house:) Good Luck!
Data dodania: 2013-01-30 23:29:36
Exactly! Many of us go abroad to earn better money and be able to build the house of dreams. I'm the next in the queue:)
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ranga - mojabudowa.pl stały bywalec
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