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Colin & Basia 2011

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Blog:  colin2011
Data dodania: 2013-08-30
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So the day we seemed to have waited for for ages arrived and the windows were fitted, my son in law is a builder and he says its a very nice job but we will have to wait for a couple untill we go out. But the pictures look good.blog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.pl

Data dodania: 2013-08-30 22:09:30
You building a nice house,similar to our and from the same workshop"domena" am I right??best wishes and greetings..
Data dodania: 2013-09-03 21:13:58
Thank you for your nice comments, yes they are very similar, good luck with your house, I hope it all goes well.
Odpowiedź do madic27
Data dodania: 2013-08-30 22:10:47
The pictures look great! :-)
Data dodania: 2013-09-03 21:15:45
Odpowiedź do blog został usunięty
Data dodania: 2013-08-30 22:15:34
Super :) windows on its right place
Data dodania: 2013-09-02 12:07:58
windows they look for well made and the house looks lovely.
Data dodania: 2013-09-03 21:17:10
Thank you very much for your comments
Odpowiedź do kucharekmartunia
Data dodania: 2015-01-30 09:46:26
Witam, Fantastyczny domek :) Wspólnie z żoną też chcemy zbudować ten projekt. W jakich rejonach pani buduje ? Jest jakaś szansa na zobaczenie domku z bliska ? w razie czego proszę o kontakt: ochrona.sieci@gmail.com Pozdrawiamy, Mariola i Marcin

Ground clearance

Blog:  colin2011
Data dodania: 2013-08-30
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Like I said when you start the jobs just keep coming. We thought it was about time the site had a tidy and after much searching we got a digger to level the pile of earth we had at the back of the site, and what a differance.blog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.pl


Blog:  colin2011
Data dodania: 2013-08-30
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The trouble is once you get started one job leads to another, so when we decided to start on the electric we thought well the house is still wide open so now would be a good time to do the windows. After lots of research and lots of quotes one of which came whilst working on the house on my own. A knock on the door and a guy talking away in Polish trying to sell me his window to which I replied "nie rozumiem, I am english"  he took no notice and carried on trying to sell his windows!! Anyway we settled on triple glassed Okno Plus+ windows as we both like the specifications, colour, handels and the profile. Also  some really good coments from other customers. We had a problem before we satarted as the bay window in the kitchen had not all for the external insulation so we had to get that altered.blog budowlany - mojabudowa.pl

More first fix

Blog:  colin2011
Data dodania: 2013-08-30
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blog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.pl

Data dodania: 2015-11-26 11:25:22
My husband and I going to move to Poland and planning to build our house (Keos 2 project) next year. He is English and we are struggling with some legal issues. If possible can I ask you a few questions on how you resolved it (if you had same issues). If no objections I can forward you my e-mail address.

First fix electrics

Blog:  colin2011
Data dodania: 2013-08-30
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July 2013
to all our fellow Polish bloggers! We visited our hour in June with the aim of putting up a garden wall and very quickly decided that it was a waste of money when there is so much left to do on the house. We are lucky that my son-in-laws father is an electrician so that seemed a good starting point. We decided not to do it on the cheap so all the wiring is being laid in conduit set in the wall. Having had several houses (not my build) I never find enough sockets so we made sure that was covered. 1500mtrs of cabel later and posiably a bit more the electrics are almost finished.blog budowlany - mojabudowa.pl

ranga - mojabudowa.pl stały bywalec
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