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Colin & Basia 2011

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Winter shut down

Blog:  colin2011
Data dodania: 2013-02-18
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Well at least I managed to get on the site and do something even if it was only cover the windows and board up the doors. We have finished for now and need to raise funds to get the windows which are the next big expense. At the moment we are thinking Ocknoplast Igloo triple glazed units with shutters, not sure on the doors yet we are still deciding. We are thinking we will go for a Hormann garage door as this seems to cover all the bases and has a good reputation. Thank you everyone for your kind support it has helped. 

I have to say a big thank you to my Stepson-in-law Rafal who was our eyes with his camera I think without him we would have gone mad with worry.

Data dodania: 2013-03-02 14:15:40
Although I haven't even started building I've been thinking about windows and doors for many months. Oknoplast is one of the biggest PCV windows' producer on Europe and for years has been considered to be the best. At least in Poland. A few words about doors. My parents-in-law have had an oak exterior door for 9 years. For 3-4 years the door has been draughty which connects with temperature's loss, especially in winter. I have any personal experience with steel doors. On forums I've found only a few complaints about steel frame, that it can frost. My today's choice would be PCV door also (e.g. adeco). A friend of my mom has got one for 10 years and the door works fully properly.
Data dodania: 2013-03-03 22:14:39
Thanks for the comments. we have also heard some stories about wooden doors warping even though they are not supposed to. I think the UPVC idea is a good one.
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